New videos

I currently have 21 videos posted on my youtube page including the latest and greatest of Mcafees Knob at sunrise. Check them out.

My vids

New videos

I’ve uploaded 10 short trail videos and will continue to update weekly.

Enjoy !

Hiking videos

Throughout my hike I will try my best to upload videos on a weekly basis of the trail itself.  I would like to capture what the trail is like, the views, the mood, the weather, etc.  Writing can only bring me so far to this goal.  Videos will help put an image and sound with my writing style.

Currently I have a youtube channel here.  Bgsul23  I have a couple crappy videos of hiking in AZ, Picacho Peak namely, and a 3 minute video I took of an empty campground at the bottom of the Grand Canyon by Havasupai Falls.  But check out how beautiful my campsite was! (every morning the mist of Mooney Falls, which I was camped 5 feet from the top of, would create a rainbow visible from my tent).

Once on the trail, check back at this link for more videos!